📄️ Quick Setup
This article is a fast track to integrate Fishjam into your React Native application.
📄️ Installation
Optional: Create a New App
📄️ Connecting
This article will guide you through the process of connecting to a Fishjam room.
📄️ Start streaming
How to stream your camera
📄️ List other peers
In order to see other streaming peers, you can use usePeers. It will return all
📄️ Screen sharing
Our SDK also allow to stream content of mobile device screen.
📄️ Streaming from background
On Android, it is possible to continue streaming when app is in background. Unfortunately this functionality is not available on iOS (due to Apple limitations)
📄️ Reconnect
If your connection is lost while you are connected to a room, the app will automatically handle the reconnection process.
📄️ Metadata
How to use metadata
📄️ Broadcasting
How to use Fishjam for broadcasting