This article will guide you through the process of connecting to a Fishjam room.
Getting URL and token
In order to connect, you need to retrieve the Fishjam URL and Peer Token (the token that will authenticate the peer in your Room).
- Sandbox App
- Production App
Once you get your account on Fishjam, you will have access to the Sandbox App. This app comes with a pre-configured test service called Room Manager. This is basically a service that will create a Room, add your app as the Room's Peer, and return the token required to use that Room.
To use that, simply call fetch
const response = await fetch(
const { fishjamUrl, peerToken } = await response.json();
For the production app, you need to implement your own backend service that will provide the user with a Peer Token. To do that, follow our server setup instructions.
In order to connect, call joinRoom
method with data from the previous step:
import { useCallback } from "react";
import { Button } from "react-native";
import { useConnection } from "@fishjam-cloud/react-native-client";
// Check for your app ID
const YOUR_APP_ID = "...";
export function JoinRoomButton() {
const { joinRoom } = useConnection();
const onPressJoin = useCallback(async () => {
const { url, peerToken } = await getRoomDetails("Room", "User");
await joinRoom({ url, peerToken });
}, [joinRoom]);
return <Button onPress={onPressJoin} title="Join Room" />;
async function getRoomDetails(roomName: string, peerName: string) {
// This will work ONLY for the Sandbox App
const response = await fetch(
const { fishjamUrl, peerToken } = await response.json();
return { url: fishjamUrl, peerToken };
In order to close the connection, you have to call leaveRoom
import { useCallback } from "react";
import { Button } from "react-native";
import { useConnection } from "@fishjam-cloud/react-native-client";
export function LeaveRoomButton() {
const { leaveRoom } = useConnection();
const onPressLeave = useCallback(async () => {
await leaveRoom();
}, [leaveRoom]);
return <Button onPress={onPressLeave} title="Leave Room" />;