Fastify example
The example assumes you've already installed our SDK and you're ready to go.
If you wish to see more general info, visit set up your server article.
Load environment variables to Fastify
Use @fastify/env
package to load and set environment variables in your Fastify instance.
import { Fastify } from "fastify";
import fastifyEnv from "@fastify/env";
const fastify = Fastify();
const envSchema = {
type: "object",
properties: {
type: "string",
type: "string",
await fastify.register(fastifyEnv, { schema: envSchema });
fastify.listen({ port: 3000 });
Setup Fishjam Fastify plugin
Fastify allows you to create plugins to encapsulate functionality in scopes. Check out fastify documentation for a deeper understanding of the concept.
First, extend the FastifyInstance
interface with fishjam
This will provide types of FishjamClient wherever you access fastify.fishjam
in the codebase.
Then, declare the plugin by invoking the fp
function with the setup function with as an argument.
import fastifyPlugin from "fastify-plugin";
import { FishjamClient } from "@fishjam-cloud/js-server-sdk";
declare module "fastify" {
interface FastifyInstance {
fishjam: FishjamClient;
export const fishjamPlugin = fastifyPlugin((fastify) => {
const fishjamClient = new FishjamClient({
fishjamUrl: fastify.config.FISHJAM_URL,
managementToken: fastify.config.FISHJAM_SERVER_TOKEN,
fastify.decorate("fishjam", fishjamClient);
Now, after registering the plugin, we will be able to use Fishjam client by accessing the fastify.fishjam
import { Fastify } from "fastify";
import fastifyEnv from "@fastify/env";
import { fishjamPlugin } from "./fishjamPlugin";
const fastify = Fastify();
// ... skipping env loading code for convenience
await fastify.register(fishjamPlugin);
fastify.get("/rooms", () => fastify.fishjam.getAllRooms());
fastify.listen({ port: 3000 });
Listening to events
Fishjam instance is a stateful server that is emitting messages upon certain events. You can listen for those messages and react as you prefer. There are two options to obtain these.
To receive and parse the Fishjam protobuf messages, add a content type parser to your global (or scoped) Fastify instance.
Then, you will be able to access the parsed message at request.Body
import { Fastify } from "fastify";
import { ServerMessage } from "@fishjam-cloud/js-server-sdk/proto";
const fastify = Fastify();
{ parseAs: "buffer" },
async (_: FastifyRequest, body: Buffer) => ServerMessage.decode(body),
);<{ Body: ServerMessage }>("/fishjam-webhook", (request) => {
// handle the message
SDK Notifier
You can also leverage the Fastify plugin mechanism to use websockets to receive messages from Fishjam.
Let's create another plugin in fishjamNotifierPlugin.ts
In this case, we don't need to extend the Fastify instance type, because the plugin doesn't decorate the Fastify instance with any properties. It will work in the background.
import { type FastifyInstance } from "fastify";
import fp from "fastify-plugin";
import { FishjamWSNotifier } from "@fishjam-cloud/js-server-sdk";
export const fishjamNotifierPlugin = fp((fastify) => {
const fishjamUrl = fastify.config.FISHJAM_URL;
const managementToken = fastify.config.FISHJAM_MANAGEMENT_TOKEN;
const fishjamNotifier = new FishjamWSNotifier(
{ fishjamUrl, managementToken },
onError: (err) => fastify.log.error(err),
onClose: () =>"Websocket connection to Fishjam closed"),
onConnectionFailed: () => fastify.log.error("Failed to connect Fishjam notifier")
// handle the messages
const handleRoomCreated = console.log;
const handlePeerCreated = console.log;
fishjamNotifier.on("roomCreated", handleRoomCreated);
fishjamNotifier.on("peerCreated", handlePeerCreated);
Don't forget to register your plugin.
import { Fastify } from "fastify";
import fastifyEnv from "@fastify/env";
import { fishjamPlugin } from "./fishjamPlugin";
import { fishjamNotifierPlugin } from "./fishjamNotifierPlugin";
const fastify = Fastify();
// ...
await fastify.register(fishjamPlugin);
await fastify.register(fishjamNotifierPlugin);